- Bugfix: Sale price equal 0 throws an error message
- Bugfix: Old offers were still displayed after product update
- Queue History added to product, shop and list detail view
- New: Day option for days before queue log deleted
- Bugfix: duplicate shopids now deleting
- Bugfix: WooCommerce Price update
- New: "Show WooCommerce product" in AT product
- New: Hide product in woocommerce catalog if price is equal zero
- New: Option for ongoing update of woocommerce title
- Bugfix: Prevent parallel execution of cronjobs
- Bugfix: Characters now only removed from description if required
- Bugfix: Order by price was not working in dynamic filter
- Dynamic filter now displays all shops
- New: Shop replacement tool for old shops (replace by id all referenced shops)
- New shortcode: [atkp ids='<listid>,<productid>,<product-slug>,<list-title>' template='bestseller'][/atkp]
- Improved the offer duplicate detection
- Offers are now also sort via cpc (highest CPC is on top)
- Added a Marketplace Account Deletion - Endpoint for ebay

Aktuelle Updates v3 (Basis-Plugin, Amazon, eBay und WooCommerce)
New shortcode: [atkp ids='<listid>,<productid>,<product-slug>,<list-title>' template='bestseller'][/atkp]
Super Neuerung! funktionieren product-slugs auch in den bisherigen Shortcodes atkp_product und atkp_list?
Super Neuerung! funktionieren product-slugs auch in den bisherigen Shortcodes atkp_product und atkp_list?
Nein, die bestehenden Shortcodes wurden nicht erweitert. Nur der atkp Shortcode hat diese Funktion.
LG Christof